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Kaspersky Security Awareness
Building a safe corporate cyber-environment with gamified training

Kaspersky Private Security Network

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The effective way to build cybersafety throughout your organization

More than 80% of all cyber-incidents are caused by human error. A culture of cybersafe behavior together with fundamental cybersecurity skills and awareness throughout your organization are key to reducing the attack surface and the number of incidents you have to deal with. Organizations often struggle to find the right tools and methods for effective employee training that changes behavior for the better. The key to achieving this is to deploy training that employs the latest techniques and technologies in adult education and delivers the most relevant and up-to-date content.

Kaspersky Security Awareness offers a range of highly engaging and effective training solutions that boost the cybersecurity awareness of your staff so that they all play their part in the overall cybersafety of your organization. Because sustainable changes in behavior take time, our approach involves building a continuous learning cycle that includes multiple components.

Key Program Differentiators

Substantial cybersecurity expertise

20+ years’ experience in cybersecurity transformed into a cybersafety skillset that lies at the heart of our products

Training that change employees’ behavior at every level of your organization

Our gamified training provides engagement and motivation through edutainment, while the learning platforms help to internalize the cybersecurity skillset to ensure that learnt skills don’t get lost along the way.

Fueling motivation for effective security awareness

Changing employees’ behavior is your biggest cybersecurity challenge. People are generally not motivated to acquire skills and change their habits, which is why so many educational efforts turn into little more than an empty formality. Effective training consists of different components, takes into account the specifics of human nature and the ability to assimilate the acquired skills. As cybersecurity experts, Kaspersky knows what cybersafe user behavior looks like. Using our insights and expertise, we’ve added learning techniques and methods to immunize our customers’ employees against attacks while giving them the freedom to perform without constraints.

Different training formats for different organizational levels

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