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Kaspersky Professional Services
Extract the maximum benefit from your Kaspersky security solutions

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Kaspersky Professional Services

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Leave the tedious but critical security tasks to the experts:

  • Assessments, deployment, maintenance and optimization
  • Help with Kaspersky product upgrades and migration
  • Essential service packages or custom projects


Maximizing your investment – optimizing your resources.

Today’s business environment is relentlessly competitive, and every aspect of business needs focused attention. For IT specialists in particular, the fewer distractions the better – and security is often not their priority. Slipping up when it comes to your security can lead to degraded performance, unnecessary incidents and spiraling costs. Enrolling the help of experienced professionals will ensure that your cybersecurity installations function at peak efficiency, while your IT team concentrate on their core tasks.

Cybersecurity is a big investment

Maximize your return by engaging with experts who understand exactly how you can optimize your investment to meet the unique needs of your organization.

  • Minimize your security risk
    Be sure that your Kaspersky products are implemented correctly and optimally to your security needs, however complex or demanding.
  • Maximize the return on your investment
    Get the most value from your Kaspersky products, ensuring 100% performance efficiency, right from day one.
  • Minimize the strain on your resources
    Turn to us for proven expertise and technical support when required, putting less demands on your hard-pressed IT admin team
  • Respond fast to new security threats
    Look to us for the fast resolution of any issues arising, and recommendations on how to protect against new threats specific to your organization and infrastructure

Issues undermining your efficiency

Rushed deployment

You cannot afford degraded or no security and need it working optimally. Mistakes can easily become critical issues.

Lack of expertise & resources

Your IT engineers, however skilled, may lack experience, time or system resources.

Lack of best practices

Truly effective security may be complex and time consuming to properly configure.

Lack of visibility

When your IT security is built gradually over time, it gets complex, and it is easy to overlook the design flaws.

Threat landscape evolution

What used to be effective can become obsolete - and you’d never know without checking.

Prevention is better than cure

Don’t wait for the worst to happen – stay on top of your cybersecurity and avoid nasty surprises and unnecessary costs.


Kaspersky cover the complete product cycle, from assessment through implementation to maintenance and optimization.

By providing you with the specific, expert knowledge and skills you need, we can ensure that your security solution’s performance is optimized, and your security enhanced, with minimum disruption.

Pricing Notes: