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Kaspersky Managed Detection and Response
Continuously hunting, detecting, and responding to threats targeting your enterprise

Kaspersky Private Security Network

Kaspersky Products
Kaspersky Managed Detection and Response Optimum Add-on
Kaspersky Managed Detection and Response Optimum Add-on, 250-499 Users, 1 Year
*Price per user for quantities 250-499. Quantity must be 250 or greater
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Kaspersky Managed Detection and Response Optimum Add-on, 500-999 Users, 1 Year
*Price per user for quantities 500-999. Quantity must be 500 or greater
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Kaspersky Managed Detection and Response Optimum Add-on, 1000-1499 Users, 1 Year
*Price per user for quantities 1000-1499. Quantity must be 1,000 or greater
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Many businesses today struggle to find the expertise and resources needed to track down cyberthreats heading their way, and to respond appropriately. Security teams can become overwhelmed by managing systems and tools, leaving little time for thorough investigation and analysis. That’s when Kaspersky Managed Detection and Response (MDR) steps in.

Kaspersky Managed Detection and Response (MDR) delivers advanced, round-theclock protection from the growing volume of threats circumventing automated security barriers, providing relief to organizations struggling to find specialized staff or with limited in-house resources.

Advanced Protection Technologies

Leading security technologies, based on unique ongoing threat intelligence and advanced machine learning prevent, detect and respond to complex attacks.

Proactive Threat Hunting

Proprietary Indicators of Attack enable the detection of stealthy non-malware threats that automated prevention and detection tools may have missed.

Automated and Guided Response

The fully managed or guided disruption and containment of threats delivers a swift reaction, while keeping all response actions within your control.

Globally-recognized Expertise

We field one of the most successful threat hunting teams in the industry, backed by over 25 years of consistently outstanding targeted attack research.

The need to proactively hunt out threats

Most security teams take an alert-driven approach to cybersecurity incidents, reacting only after an incident has already taken place. Meanwhile, new threats move in under the radar, leaving you with a false sense of security – literally. Businesses are increasingly recognizing the need to proactively hunt out threats lying undiscovered but still active within their corporate infrastructures.

Service highlights

Kaspersky MDR's superior detection and response capabilities are supported by one of the most successful and experienced threat hunting teams in the industry. Unlike similar offerings on the market, Kaspersky MDR leverages patented machine-learning models, unique ongoing threat intelligence and a proven track record of effective targeted attack research. It automatically strengthens your corporate resilience to cyberthreats while optimizing your existing resources and future IT security investments.

Scalable deployment

Fast, scalable turnkey deployment enables an instantly matured IT security function without the need to invest in additional staff or expertise.

Incident response

Completely managed or guided incident response provides a swift reaction while keeping all response actions within your full control.

Superior protection

Superior protection against even the most complex and innovative nonmalware threats prevents business disruption and minimizes overall incident impact.

Real-time visibility

Real-time visibility across your assets and their protection status delivers ongoing situational awareness through various communication channels.

Additional services

A set of optional elements provided separately can be used to tailor our service functionality to your specific requirements, providing enhanced flexibility when needed.

Scalable deployment

Various options to suit regulatory and forensic / eDiscovery needs.

Compromise assessment

The service which allows to reveal any current or past cyberattacks and their possible sources.

Hands-on trainings for SOC analysts

Comprehensive training programs covering digital forensics, malware analysis and incident response topics.

Incident response retainer

Full incident investigation and response cycle to manage the aftermath of a security breach.

Tabletop exercises

A guided exercise that validates an organization’s incident response procedures and plans.

Suitable for

Any organization struggling to deal with complex and APT-like threats, especially in the following industries:

  • National
  • Finance Services
  • Telecom
  • Retail
  • Healthcare
  • Industrial
  • Transportation

Pricing Notes:

Kaspersky Products
Kaspersky Managed Detection and Response Optimum Add-on
Kaspersky Managed Detection and Response Optimum Add-on, 250-499 Users, 1 Year
*Price per user for quantities 250-499. Quantity must be 250 or greater
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Kaspersky Managed Detection and Response Optimum Add-on, 500-999 Users, 1 Year
*Price per user for quantities 500-999. Quantity must be 500 or greater
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Kaspersky Managed Detection and Response Optimum Add-on, 1000-1499 Users, 1 Year
*Price per user for quantities 1000-1499. Quantity must be 1,000 or greater
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Kaspersky Managed Detection and Response Optimum Add-on, 1500-2499 Users, 1 Year
*Price per user for quantities 1500-2499. Quantity must be 1,500 or greater
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Kaspersky Managed Detection and Response Optimum Add-on, 2500-4999 Users, 1 Year
*Price per user for quantities 2500-4999. Quantity must be 2,500 or greater
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Kaspersky Managed Detection and Response Optimum Add-on, 5000+ Users, 1 Year
*Price per user for quantities 5000+. Quantity must be 5,000 or greater
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Kaspersky Managed Detection and Response Expert Add-on
Kaspersky Managed Detection and Response Expert Add-on, 250-499 Users, 1 Year
*Price per user for quantities 250-499. Quantity must be 250 or greater
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Kaspersky Managed Detection and Response Expert Add-on, 500-999 Users, 1 Year
*Price per user for quantities 500-999. Quantity must be 500 or greater
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Kaspersky Managed Detection and Response Expert Add-on, 1000-1499 Users, 1 Year
*Price per user for quantities 1000-1499. Quantity must be 1,000 or greater
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Kaspersky Managed Detection and Response Expert Add-on, 1500-2499 Users, 1 Year
*Price per user for quantities 1500-2499. Quantity must be 1,500 or greater
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Kaspersky Managed Detection and Response Expert Add-on, 2500-4999 Users, 1 Year
*Price per user for quantities 2500-4999. Quantity must be 2,500 or greater
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Kaspersky Managed Detection and ResponseExpert Add-on, 5000+ Users, 1 Year
*Price per user for quantities 5000+. Quantity must be 5,000 or greater
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