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Kaspersky Cybersecurity Services
Intelligence and expertise providing a new level of cyber-immunity

Kaspersky Penetration Testing

Kaspersky Cybersecurity Services

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More cyberthreats are appearing every day, in all their different guises and through many different attack vectors. There is no single solution that offers comprehensive protection. However, even in our bigdata world, knowing where to look for danger is a large part of being able to combat the latest threats.

As a business manager, it`s your responsibility to protect your organization against today’s threats, and to anticipate the dangers that lie ahead in the coming years. This needs more than just smart operational protection against known threats; it demands a level of strategic security intelligence that very few companies have the resources to develop in-house.

Kaspersky is a valuable business partner, always available to share its up-to-the-minute intelligence with your team via different channels. Our broad range of delivery methods helps your security operation center (SOC)/IT security team remain fully equipped to protect the organization from any online threat. Even if your organization does not use Kaspersky products, you can still benefit from Kaspersky Cybersecurity Services.

Security Assessment

Penetration Testing

A practical demonstration of possible attack scenarios allowing a malicious actor to bypass security controls in your corporate network and obtain high privileges in important systems.

Application Security Assessment

An in-depth hunt for business logic flaws and implementation vulnerabilities in applications of any kind, from large cloud-based solutions to embedded and mobile applications.

Payment Systems Security Assessment

Comprehensive analysis of the hardware and software components of various payment systems, revealing potential fraud scenarios and vulnerabilities that can result in financial transaction manipulation.

ICS Security Assessment

Case-specific threat modelling and vulnerability assessment of Industrial Control Systems and their components, providing an insight into your existing attack surface and the corresponding business impact of potential attacks.

Transportation Systems Security Assessment

Specialized research focused on identifying security problems related to mission-critical components of modern transportation infrastructure, from Automotive to Aerospace.

Smart Technologies and IoT Security Assessment

Detailed evaluation of highly-interconnected devices and their backend infrastructure, revealing vulnerabilities in firmware, network, and application layers.

Red Teaming

Threat Intelligence-driven adversary simulation helping to evaluate the effectiveness of your security monitoring capabilities and incident response procedures.

Compromise Assessment

Comprehensive analysis

Detects compromise attempts using a combination of approaches, including threat intelligence, vulnerability assessment and incident investigation.

Proactive mitigation

Timely identification of security incidents mitigates their impact before it becomes apparent and protects your resources from similar attacks in future.

Incident Response

Incident Response

Covering the entire incident investigation cycle to completely eliminate the threat to your organization.

Digital Forensics

Analysis of the digital evidence relating to a cybercrime, leading to the creation of a comprehensive report detailing all relevant findings.

Malware Analysis

Providing you with a complete picture of the behavior and functionality of specific malware files.

Cybersecurity Training

Incident Response

Courses will guide your in-house team through all of the stages of the incident response process and equip them with the comprehensive knowledge needed for successful incident remediation.

Malware Analysis

Courses provide the knowledge needed to analyze malicious software, to collect IoCs (Indicators of Compromise), to write signatures for detecting malware on infected machines, and to restore infected/encrypted files and documents.

Digital Forensics

Courses are designed to fill experience gaps – developing and enhancing practical skills in searching for digital cybercrime tracks and in analyzing different types of data for restoring attack timelines and sources.

Efficient Threat Detection with Yara

Participants will learn how to write the most effective Yara rules, how to test them and how to improve them to the point where they find threats that are undiscoverable by others.

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